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NC Åpent Østlandsmesterskap

Norges Cup 4 2021/22

City Oslo
Huk Aveny 45, 0287 Oslo, Norge
Nation Norway
Date Mar 12, 2022 - Mar 13, 2022
Timezone of venue Europe/Oslo (GMT 1)
The number of participants is unlimited.
Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None

AthletesPer club 6 - 13 14 - 20 21 - 27 28 - 34 35 +
Mandatory referees 1 2 3 4 5
Fine Per day NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00

Referees must be provided based on the total number of athletes per tournament.

The referees activity is paid by the organizer.

Athletes may have to judge each other

Federation Norges Fekteforbund
Club Bygdø Fekteklubb
Organizer Bygdø Fekteklubb and Norwegian Fencing Federation
Contact Samuil KAMINSKI
[email protected]
tel. 951 95 103
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Mar 9, 2022, 11:59:00 PM Central European Standard Time only by: Club ,
Cancel until Mar 12, 2022, 11:59:00 PM Central European Standard Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
12.03. 09:30 10:00 Epee Women's I Senior 1924 - 2008 NOK 300.00
Epee Men's I Senior 1924 - 2008 NOK 300.00
12:00 12:30 Epee Women's I U13 2009 - 2013 NOK 200.00
Epee Men's I U13 2009 - 2013 NOK 200.00
14:30 15:00 Epee Women's I U17 2005 - 2009 NOK 250.00
Epee Men's I U17 2005 - 2009 NOK 250.00
13.03. 09:30 10:00 Epee Women's I U20 2002 - 2009 NOK 250.00
Epee Men's I U20 2002 - 2009 NOK 250.00
12:30 13:00 Epee Women's I U15 2007 - 2013 NOK 250.00
Epee Men's I U15 2007 - 2013 NOK 250.00

Referee meeting

Day Time Day Time Day Time Discipline
12.03. 09:30 13.03. 09:30    Epee

Payment Surcharge Remarks
CASH ON SIDE +NOK 0.00 +0.00%
Discounts NOK 100.00 Per double entry
Competition manager Mariusz Piasecki
Tournament officials Samuil Kaminski
Mariusz Piasecki
Tatjana Kaminski
Rannveig Sørum
Claus Severin Mørch
Bartosz Piasecki
Head of referees Samuil Kaminski

FIE World Cup Junior i alle klasser.
Ved mindre enn 5 jenter i U13 klasse fektes puljerunde sammen med gutter, separert DE etterpå.


NFs sikkerhetsbestemmelser

Current safety and competition rules from the Norwegian Fencing Federation / FIE.

Awards Fire beste i Senior - U15 klasser, alle i U13
Accomodation Scandic Sjølyst
Thon Hotels kode TH87814
Directions Huk Aveny 45, 0287, Bygdøy, Oslo
Buss: 30 stopp Bygdøhus eller Vikingskipene

OBS! Vi anbefaler å bestille SAS sportbillett
Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.

U13 - f. 2009-2011
U15 - f. 2007-2011
U17 - f. 2005-2009
U20 - f. 2002-2009
Senior - f.2009 og eldre. Fektere som er mellom 13-15 år må ha
godkjent skriftlig søknad om deltagelse NFs administrasjon.
Stevner arrangeres i henhold til:
NFs koronavettregler
NFs stevneregler og dommerreglement
NFs handlingsplan mot doping
NIFs bestemmelser om barneidrett
OBS! Stevnene kan avluses/utsettes i helhet eller i bestemte aldersklasser iht. myndighetenes koronavettregler.