

CPE extracted FIE Ranking (unofficial): 2024

discipline gender ageclass category calculated-on
Florett Menn U20 Lag 16.02.2025. 11:08
yob rankingtype nationtype samepoints transferred points
2005 - 2012 Rolling (1:1) All best result

rank points initial name nation yob 22.02.2024 Rio de Janeiro (U20)
Pan American Championship Cadet and Junior
12.04.2024 Riyadh (U20)
World Championships
01.11.2024 Istanbul (U20)
Istanbul Junior World Cup
15.11.2024 Lima (U20)
Lima World Cup
30.11.2024 Bogota (U20)
World Cup
13.12.2024 Bangkok (U20)
Bangkok World Cup
03.01.2025 Fujairah (U20)
Fujairah World Cup
18.01.2025 Heraklion (U20)
Knossos Cup
31.01.2025 Zagreb (U20)
Challenge Mazuranic
1 444 0 USA 64 80 64 64 52 40   52 28
2 184 0 ECU 36 10   32 40   30 28 8
3 154 0 MEX 40 10   40 64        
4 97 0 CAN 52 20       25      
5 62 0 PER 32     30          
6 61 0 COL 25       36        
7 60 0 VEN 28       32        
8 58 0 BRA 26 10             22
9 32 0 ARG 24               8
10 28 0 GUA       28          
11 26 0 CRC       26          
12 23 0 CHI 23                
13 5 0 PUR   5              


    title city nation date ageclass group pointrule nations multiplicator replaced deleted Ges same federation
1 World Cup Istanbul TUR 03.11.2023 05.11.2023 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 01.11.2024 20 0
2 World Cup Lima PER 17.11.2023 19.11.2023 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 15.11.2024 8 0
3 World Cup Tashkent UZB 02.12.2023 03.12.2023 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 30.11.2024 5 0
4 World Cup Bangkok THA 15.12.2023 17.12.2023 U20 1 Team World Cup 1 1 13.12.2024 22 0
5 Alpe Adria Udine ITA 04.01.2024 07.01.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 03.01.2025 10 0
6 Challenge Licciardi Aix-en-Provence FRA 20.01.2024 21.01.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 1 1 18.01.2025 19 0
7 World Cup Zagreb CRO 03.02.2024 04.02.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 25 1 31.01.2025 121 0
8 World Cup Sabadell (Barcelona) ESP 17.02.2024 18.02.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 14.02.2025 8 0
9 Asian Championships Manama BRN 22.02.2024 29.02.2024 U20 3 Team World Cup 19 1 19.02.2025 92 0
10 Pan American Championship Cadet and Junior Rio de Janeiro BRA 22.02.2024 27.02.2024 U20 3 Team World Cup 0 1 24.02.2025 11 0
11 European Championships Neaples ITA 26.02.2024 29.02.2024 U20 3 Team World Cup 0 1 27.02.2025 17 0
12 African Championships Cairo EGY 01.03.2024 07.03.2024 U20 3 Team World Cup 0 1 28.02.2025 3 0
13 World Championships Riyadh KSA 12.04.2024 20.04.2024 U20 2 Worldchampionships 0 1 07.04.2025 37 0
14 Istanbul Junior World Cup Istanbul TUR 01.11.2024 03.11.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 20 0
15 Lima World Cup Lima PER 15.11.2024 17.11.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 8 0
16 World Cup Bogota COL 30.11.2024 02.12.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 5 0
17 Bangkok World Cup Bangkok THA 13.12.2024 15.12.2024 U20 1 Team World Cup 1 1 22 0
18 Fujairah World Cup Fujairah UAE 03.01.2025 05.01.2025 U20 1 Team World Cup 0 1 10 0
19 Knossos Cup Heraklion GRE 18.01.2025 19.01.2025 U20 1 Team World Cup 1 1 19 0
20 Challenge Mazuranic Zagreb CRO 31.01.2025 02.02.2025 U20 1 Team World Cup 25 1 121 0
21 Tashkent World Cup Tashkent UZB 14.02.2025 16.02.2025 U20 1 0 1 8 0
22 Asian Championships Kuweit City KUW 19.02.2025 28.02.2025 U20 3 19 1 92 0
23 Pan American Championship Cadet and Junior Ascuncion PAR 24.02.2025 01.03.2025 U20 3 0 1 11 0
24 European Championships Antalya TUR 27.02.2025 02.03.2025 U20 3 0 1 17 0
25 African Championships Luanda ANG 28.02.2025 06.03.2025 U20 3 0 1 3 0
26 World Championships Wuxi CHN 07.04.2025 15.04.2025 U20 2 0 1 37 0

For any questions regarding this ranking please contact:
Sonja Lange - [email protected]

