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2022 Championships of Switzerland

City Sion
Salle omnisports du Campus EPTM
Chemin Saint-Hubert 2
1950 Sion
Sortie autoroute Sion-Ouest

Plan d‘accès de la compétition sur le site du club:
Nation Switzerland
Date Mar 13, 2022
Timezone of venue Europe/Zurich (GMT 1)
Participation Only athletes with the same nationality as the organizing country are allowed to participate.
The number of participants is unlimited.

La participation aux Championnats Suisses individuels est ouverte à tous les escrimeurs
suisses, domiciliés en Suisse et licenciés à Swiss Fencing.

Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None

Referee qualification:

At least a national referee license is required

Entries ind. Per region 4 - 7 8 +
Mandatory referees 1 2
Fine Per day CHF 200.00 CHF 200.00

Referees must be provided based on the total entries per day.

The referees activity is paid by the organizer.

Federation Schweiz. Fechtverband
Club Société d'Escrime de Sion
Organizer Société d'Escrime de Sion
Contact Téléphone d‘urgence le jour de la compétition:
+41 78 665 81 34
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Mar 10, 2022, 11:59:00 PM Central European Standard Time only by: Club , Regional federation
Cancel until Mar 10, 2022, 11:59:00 PM Central European Standard Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
13.03. 11:45 12:00 Epee Women's I U23 1999 - 2015 CHF 25.00
Epee Men's I U23 1999 - 2015 CHF 25.00

Payment Surcharge Remarks
CHF +CHF 0.00 +0.00%
Competition manager Jean-Pierre Torda
Tournament officials Léon Amez-Droz

Selon réglement "Règlement administratif de l’organisation des championnats suisses U17, U20, U23 et seniors"

Rules and legal

Organisation selon le règlement Swiss Fencing et sur la base du règlement FIE.


La présence d'une personne disposant d'une formation médicale est obligatoire pendant toute la durée du tournoi.


Selon règlement Swiss Fencing et FIE

Accomodation Hotel Ibis, avenue Grand-Champsec 21
1950 Sion
Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.