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2022 Norway Championships

U23, Senior og Veteran

City Oslo
Sørkedalsveien 106
0378 Oslo
Nation Norway
Date Apr 23, 2022 - Apr 24, 2022
Timezone of venue Europe/Oslo (GMT 1)
Participation Only athletes who are a member of a club of the organizing country are allowed to participate.
The number of participants is unlimited.
Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None

Referee qualification:

AthletesPer region 5 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 20 21 - 24 25 +
Teams Per region 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 10 - 11 12 +
Mandatory referees 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fine Per tournament NOK 500.00 NOK 491.00 NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00 NOK 500.00

Referees must be provided based on the total entries per day.

The referees activity is not paid by the organizer.

Athletes may have to judge each other

Federation Norges Fekteforbund
Club Sportsklubben Njård
Organizer Njård Fekting
Contact [email protected]
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Apr 14, 2022, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time only by: Club , Regional federation
Cancel until Apr 21, 2022, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
23.04. 08:30 09:00 Epee Men's I Senior 1924 - 2008 NOK 300.00
10:30 11:00 Epee Women's I Senior 1924 - 2008 NOK 300.00
14:30 15:00 Epee Women's I U23 1999 - 2008 NOK 300.00
Epee Women's I V40 1973 - 1982 NOK 300.00
Epee Men's I U23 1999 - 2008 NOK 300.00
Epee Men's I V40 1973 - 1982 NOK 300.00
Epee Men's I V50 1963 - 1972 NOK 300.00
Epee Men's I V60 1953 - 1962 NOK 300.00
Epee Men's I V70 1922 - 1952 NOK 300.00
24.04. 09:30 10:00 Epee Men's T Senior 1924 - 2008 NOK 400.00
10:30 11:00 Epee Women's T Senior 1924 - 2008 NOK 400.00

Referee meeting

Day Time Day Time Day Time Discipline
23.04. 08:30 24.04. 09:00    Epee

Payment Surcharge Remarks
CASH ON SIDE +NOK 0.00 +0.00%
Competition manager Siri-Mette Amble/Ellen Vokes
Tournament officials Ellen Vokes
Leiv Hellebø


Current safety and competition rules from the Norwegian Fencing Federation / FIE.

Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.

Det vil være en kafeteria med noe varm mat, kaker og drikke. Stevnet er kontantfritt, vi tar imot både kort og Vipps.

Overskuddet fra kafeteriaen vi gå til støtte for Ukraina.

TURNERINGSREGLEMENT: Kåringer og NM-medaljer utdeles i henhold Norges Fekteforbund sitt NM-reglement. Klubbene plikter å stille med dommere i henhold til NFs regelverk: En dommer per fire deltakere, første gang ved fem. Gebyr for manglende pliktdommer er kr. 500,-.
Norgesmesterskapet arrangeres for øvrig i henhold til følgende bestemmelser:
• Norges Fekteforbunds stevne- og NM-reglement (vedtatt 7. mars 2021, endret 9. februar 2022)
• Norges Fekteforbunds Dommerreglement (vedtatt 10. oktober 2021)
• Sikkerhetsbestemmelser