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20 Hänsel-und-Gretel-Turnier

City Berlin (BE)
Sekundarschule Wilmersdorf
Kranzer Str. 3, 14199 Berlin
Nation Germany
Date Apr 25, 2020
Timezone of venue Europe/Berlin (GMT 1)
The number of participants is unlimited.

A valid DFB fencing pass is a starting requirement for German fencers. Adolescents under the age of 18 need a health certificate (not older than 365 days).

It is not permitted to participate on multiple competitions per competition day.

Only one entry per athlete for each category is allowed.

Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None

Referees are not required.

Athletes may have to judge each other

Federation Berliner Fechterbund e.V.
Club Berliner Fechtclub e.V.
Organizer Michael Rosenstock
Contact [email protected]
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Apr 21, 2020, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time only by: Club
Cancel until Apr 22, 2020, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
25.04. 09:30 10:00 Foil Mixed D Senior 1922 - 2004 €15.00
Epee Mixed D Senior 1922 - 2004 €15.00

Payment Surcharge Remarks
Cash on place +€0.00 +0.00%
Rules and legal

The event takes place according to FIE regulations.


Organizer assume no liability. All participants are for responsible for the personal equipment.


The participants submit to the jurisdiction of the Berliner Fechterbund e.V.

Image / TV rights

The participants and their legal representatives declare that they agree to a publication of their names, clubs and year of birth as the as the competition data.. The fencer / legal representative declares his consent to the production, distribution and display of images, sound and film during the competitions. This consent is free of charge, has unlimited territorial and temporal validity and applies to the right to the image as well as the general right of personality. It includes all media, but in particular the right to reproduce recordings in print, TV shows and the Internet. There is the possibility, but no obligation, to give the name.


Equipment according to definition DFB.

Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.

Sie & Er Turnier!
Mannschaft = 1 Fechterin + 1 Fechter | 1 Florett + 1 Degen
Achtung: reine Damen- oder Herrenmannschaften sind nicht zugelassen

Mit der Meldung erklären die Teilnehmer bzw. deren gesetzliche Vertreter, dass
sie mit einer Veröffentlichung ihrer Namen und Geburtsjahrgänge einverstanden
sind. Der/die Fechter/Fechterin bzw. der gesetzliche Vertreter erklärt sich damit
einverstanden, dass bei den Wettkämpfen Fotoaufnahmen gefertigt, verbreitet
und zur Schau gestellt werden. Diese Einwilligung erfolgt unentgeltlich, ist
räumlich und zeitlich unbeschränkt und gilt sowohl für das Recht am Bild als auch
das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht, vor allem das Recht, Aufnahmen Internet

Säbelfechter aufgepasst! Am Sonntag, den 26.04.2020 findet am gleichen Ort das Säbelmeeting

The referees are required all day on the respective competition day and are to be reported via the online registration system!!!
Supervisors and athletes are only allowed to enter the hall with sports shoes!!!