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2025 Coupe d'Europe

Ville Liege (FF)
Hall Omnisport de Bressoux
Rue Ernest Malvoz 11, 4020 Liège
Nation Belgium
Date 12 avr. 2025 - 13 avr. 2025
Fuseau horaire du lieu Europe/Brussels (GMT -23)
Le nombre de participants est illimité.

For the purposes of the EVF Circuit and rankings, a fencer’s age is taken as the age at the end of the
Circuit Season Year. Fencers competing in the 2024 Circuit that commences in 2023 will fence in the category that corresponds to their age on 31 December 2024.
V1: 40-49 years
V2: 50-59 years
V3: 60-69 years
V4: 70+ years

Licence requise
national licenceNiveau de licence 1
  • Participants
Quota Aucun

Des arbitres ne sont pas requis.

Fédération Fencing Belgium - FBRCE/KBFS/KBVF
Club Ecole d'Escrime Le Sabre Noir
Organisateur Le Sabre Noir
Contact Juliette Poizat +32 470 69 34 54
[email protected]
Autres informations
Voir les inscriptions et les résultats

jusqu'à 6 avr. 2025 à 00:00:00 heure d’été d’Europe centrale seulement par: Fédération nationale
Annulation possible jusqu'au 6 avr. 2025 à 00:00:00 heure d’été d’Europe centrale
E-mail: [email protected]

Jour Appel Début Suite Finales Compétition Né (e) en Quota Frais d'inscription
12.04. 09:00 09:30 Sabre Mixte T Veteran 1925 - 1985 60,00 €

Méthodes de paiement
Méthodes de paiement Surcharge Remarques
Facture - - Les factures sont générées après l'événement sur la base des résultats réels

Les inscriptions qui n'ont pas été payées ne sont pas valables.


All Circuit Events are organised and delivered by local hosts but they must all fulfil the following
• At least one round of poules of 5, 6 or 7 fencers followed by a Direct elimination tableau.
• The poules are composed according to the EVF individual ranking system. The DT may make
adjustments in order to avoid unbalanced poules
• In the case of multiple fencers from the same country in a poule, the 0.15. FIE rule will be
• The bouts of the poules are of 5 hits, 3 min, according to the 0.17. FIE rule.
• No fencers will be eliminated from the poules which will be followed by a Direct Elimination
tableau based on the results of the poules, according to 0.19. FIE rule.
• Direct Elimination bouts are of 10 hits with consideration of 0.23. and 0.24. FIE rules.
EVF Veterans Circuit Guidelines – September 2021 - 5
• Every fencer can only fence in the age category to which he or she belongs : 40-49 (or V1),
50-59 (or V2), 60-69 (or V3), 70 and over (or V4).
• If there are fewer than 12 fencers in a category, they join the nearer and younger age
category for the poule round.
• If this merge is not enough to reach 12 fencers another merge may be made
• In case of a match between fencers of different categories, a negative handicap of one hit
will be granted for a difference of two categories
o Examples :
o V1/V2, V2/V3 or V3/V4 : no handicap
o V1/V3 : V1 begins at -1
o V2/V4 : V2 begins at -1
o V1/V4 : V1 begins at -2
• Should a score be negative at the end of the bout, it must be notified at zero on the score
o Example :
o A defeats B for 0 to -1, the score must be noted V0 to 0
• After the poules, each fencer will fence Direct Elimination in their own category, whatever
their number
• The two fencers who lose the semi-final matches are placed equal third and will each receive
a bronze medal.
• The indication of the name and nationality of the fencer on the back of his jacket and the
wearing of national colors is recommended but not mandatory


The event takes place according to FIE and EVF regulations.


Organizer assume no liability. All participants are responsible for the personal equipment.


The participants submit to the jurisdiction of the EVF.

Droits d'image / TV

The participants and their legal representatives declare that they agree to a publication of their names, clubs and year of birth as the as the competition data. The fencer / legal representative declares his consent to the production, distribution and display of images, sound and film during the competitions. This consent is free of charge, has unlimited territorial and temporal validity and applies to the right to the image as well as the general right of personality. It includes all media, but in particular the right to reproduce recordings in print, TV shows and the Internet. There is the possibility, but no obligation, to give the name.