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Fechtsporthelfer*innen Ausbildung Modul 2

City Detmold (WE)
Große Turnhalle GS Hidessen
Grundschule Hiddesen, Jahnstr. 15 · 32760 Detmold
Nation Germany
Date Oct 11, 2021 - Oct 15, 2021
Timezone of venue Europe/Berlin (GMT 1)
Quota None
Federation ARGE Nordrhein-Westfalen
Organizer Westfälischer Fechter Bund e.V.
Contact Westfälischer Fechter Bund e.V.
Hennewiger Weg 18
45721 Haltern am See
Tel: 02364/5067402
Mail: [email protected]
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Oct 3, 2021, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time only by: , Club , ,
Cancel until Oct 3, 2021, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Begin Ends Events allowed Quota Entry fee
11.10. 10:00 15.10. 12:00 Foil Open I 13-17 Jahre 171) - 131) €120.00
Epee Open I 13-17 Jahre 171) - 131) €120.00
Sabre Open I 13-17 Jahre 171) - 131) €120.00

1) Real age at start of tournament - not year of birth

Fechtsporthelfer*innen Modul 2 Foil Open U13-U17 Individual
Fechtsporthelfer*innen Modul 2 Epee Open U13-U17 Individual
Fechtsporthelfer*innen Modul 2 Sabre Open U13-U17 Individual
Payment Surcharge Remarks
Überweisung +€0.00 +0.00% Nach der Meldung bitte rechts den roten Button "ZAHLVORGANG" auswählen und dem Prozess folgen.
Bitte geben Sie den Verwendungszweck bei der Überweisung an, um eine Zuordnung Ihrer Zahlung sicherzustellen.
Head instructor / manager Christian Gerhardt
Instructors Max Noetzel
Image / TV rights

The participants and their legal representatives declare that they agree to a publication of their names, clubs and year of birth as the as the competition data.. The fencer / legal representative declares his consent to the production, distribution and display of images, sound and film during the competitions. This consent is free of charge, has unlimited territorial and temporal validity and applies to the right to the image as well as the general right of personality. It includes all media, but in particular the right to reproduce recordings in print, TV shows and the Internet. There is the possibility, but no obligation, to give the name.

Needed equipment

Supplier -
Accomodation Jugendherberge Detmold, Schirrmannstr. 49 · 32756 Detmold
Catering Package (Full Board)