referee licences

license level aselaji valid
number of matches (pools/tableaus) refereed: referee videoreferee
(depends on data digitally provided by the tournament organizer - may not be complete) erä direct erä direct
18.1.2025 CZE Liberec Youngster-Cup
Youngster Cup Series
U11 U13 U15 Floretti
64 (1)
6 (3)
7.9.2024 GER ST Weißenfels Mitteldeutsches Schwert U11 U15 U9
16.3.2024 GER BR Cottbus Brandenburg Cup
Youngster Cup Series
U11 U13 U15 Floretti
30 (2)
2 (2)
13.1.2024 GER SN Chemnitz 2024 Chemnitz Youth Tournament U11 U13 U15 U9 Floretti
15 (1)
4 (2)