referee licences

license level aselaji valid
regional D Regional Floretti active
regional D Regional Kalpa active
regional E Regional Säilä active
number of matches (pools/tableaus) refereed: referee videoreferee
(depends on data digitally provided by the tournament organizer - may not be complete) erä direct erä direct
8.7.2023 GER BY Fürth Bavarian Championships U20
1.7.2023 GER BY Kaufbeuren BFV
2023 Bayerische Mannschaftsmeisterschaft
Schirmherr: Staatsminister Dr. Florian Herrmann
Senior U11 U13 U15 U17
25.3.2023 GER BY Fürth QU17/U20 BFV
22 Kleeblatt of Fuerth 2023
U11 U17 U20
4.3.2023 GER BY Nürnberg 2023 Bayerische Florett Meisterschaften Senior U11 U13 U15 U17
12.11.2022 GER WÜ Stuttgart 14 Rössle Cup 2022
Ranglistenturnier Württemberg, Nordbaden und Bayern
U11 U13 U15
12.3.2022 GER BY München 2022 Bayerische Meisterschaften Senior U11 U13 U15 U17
17.11.2019 GER BY Fürth 4 András Cup 2019
Internationales Turnier
U13 U20
13.7.2019 GER BY Fürth Bavarian Championships Senior U11 U13 U15 U17
29.6.2019 GER BY Würzburg Würzburger Stadtwappen Senior
6.4.2019 GER BY Würzburg Dorsch Turnier U20
16.2.2019 GER BY Bad Kissingen Bavarian Foil Championships Senior U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U17
19.1.2019 GER BY Fürth QAB-Jgd BFV
20 Kleeblatt of Fuerth 2019
U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U17