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England Fencing Ranking: 2024

Discipline Gender Ageclass Category Calculated on
Epee Women's U10 Individual 03.03.2025. 05:10
YOB Ranking type Nation type Same points Transferred points
2015 - 2018 Rolling (by timeline) All Same rank

Rank Points T-P Name Nation Clubs YOB 13.04.2024 Ashtead (U10)
Elite Epee Junior Series #2
13.04.2024 Ashtead (U10)
Elite Epee Junior Series #2
28.04.2024 Bristol (U10)
LPJS Bristol Epee
10.08.2024 London (U10)
LPJS International
22.09.2024 Manchester (U10)
The Youth Series #1
1 5,614 0 GBR 2015 14 2,800 1,700 1,100  
2 3,005 0 GBR 2015 5 1,000 2,000    
3 2,000 0 GBR 2015         2,000
4 1,700 0 GBR EF Harrogate FC 2015         1,700
4 1,700 0 GBR EF Salle Paul Fencing Club 2015       1,700  
6 964.8 0 GBR 2015 4.8 960      
7 924.6 0 GBR 2015 4.6 920      
8 884.4 0 GBR 2015 4.4 880      

all assigned competitions

    Title City Nation Date Ageclass Group Pointkey Nations Multiplicator Replaced Deleted Sum Same federation
1 LPJS Cornwall Truro GBR 16.03.2024 17.03.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 0 100 0 0
2 Elite Epee Junior Series #2 Ashtead GBR 13.04.2024 13.04.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 1 1 12 3
3 Elite Epee Junior Series #2 Ashtead GBR 13.04.2024 13.04.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 1 200 12 3
4 LPJS TMFC Epee Oldham GBR 14.04.2024 14.04.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 2 100 5 1
5 LPJS Bristol Epee Bristol GBR 28.04.2024 28.04.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 1 100 3 0
6 LPJS International London GBR 10.08.2024 10.08.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 2 100 6 2
7 The Youth Series #1 Manchester GBR 22.09.2024 22.09.2024 U10 1 ENGYOU 1 100 2 1
8 Cocks Moors Woods Epee Birmingham GBR 17.11.2024 17.11.2024 U9 1 ENGYOU 0 1 0 0
9 LPJS King's Canterbury Canterbury GBR 02.02.2025 02.02.2025 U10 1 ENGYOU 0 100 0 0
10 LPJS Cornwall Truro GBR 15.03.2025 16.03.2025 U10 1 ENGYOU 0 100 0 0
11 The Youth Series #3 Liverpool GBR 13.04.2025 13.04.2025 U10 1 ENGYOU 0 100 0 0
Northern Youth Challenge #2 Wetherby GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U10 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0
LPJS London Epee London GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U9 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0
Elite Epee Series #2 England GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U10 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0
LPJS Bristol Epee Bristol GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U10 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0
LPJS TMFC Epee Oldham GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U10 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0
Elite Epee Series #6 England GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U10 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0
Northern Youth Challenge #1 Wetherby GBR --.--.---- --.--.---- U10 1 ENGYOU 0 0 0 0

For any questions regarding this ranking please contact:
[email protected]

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