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Veterans Team Tournament

City Gent (VS)
Schermzalen van de Sint-Michielsgilde
Lakenhalle, Botermarkt 18A,
9000 Gent
Nation Belgium
Date Jun 14, 2025 - Jun 15, 2025
Timezone of venue Europe/Brussels (GMT 1)
The number of participants is unlimited.

It is not permitted to participate on multiple competitions per competition day.

Quota The order of the incoming entries decides about the participation.

Referees are not required.

Athletes may have to judge each other

Federation Vlaamse Schermbond vzw
Club Koninklijke en Ridderlijke Hoofdgilde van Sint-Michiel
Organizer Koninklijke en Ridderlijke Hoofdgilde van Sint-Michiel
Contact Telefoonnummer de dag van de competitie: (+32) (0) 494/918.917
[email protected]
Further information
View entries and results

until May 31, 2025, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time only by: Club
Cancel until May 31, 2025, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
14.06. 09:30 10:20 Epee Open T Veteran 1925 - 1985 20 €60.00
15.06. 09:30 10:20 Foil Open T Veteran 1925 - 1985 8 €60.00
Sabre Open T Veteran 1925 - 1985 12 €60.00

Payment Surcharge Remarks
Cash on place +€0.00 +0.00%

Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.

- Entries per weapon must contain minimum 3 teams to ensure the competition.

- Teams must contain minimum 3, maximum 4 fencers, ladies and gents mixed possible

- Fencers must be born in 1984 or earlier in order to be allowed to fence. In every team 1 “futuri” is allowed. A “futuri is at least 35 years or older.

- Fencers without a team can ask to join another team.

- All entries and participating teams will be announced via our page on Facebook:
Recreatief Veteranentornooi Sint-Michielsgilde Gent 14-15/06/2025