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Coach C Leistungssport Modul 5.2 + Examination

City Bielefeld (NR)
Sporthalle Helmholtz-Gymnasium
Ravensberger Str. 131
33607 Bielefeld
Nation Germany
Date May 18, 2024 - May 20, 2024
Timezone of venue Europe/Berlin (GMT 1)
The number of participants is unlimited.

It is not permitted to participate on multiple competitions per competition day.

Only one entry per athlete for each category is allowed.

Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None
Federation ARGE Nordrhein-Westfalen
Organizer Jannika Schormann Geschäftsstelle
Contact [email protected]
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until May 15, 2024, 5:00:00 PM Central European Summer Time only by: , Club , ,
Cancel until May 17, 2024, 12:00:00 PM Central European Summer Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Begin Ends Events allowed Quota Entry fee
18.05. 10:00 20.05. 17:00 Foil Open I from 16 years 1943 - 2007 €70.00
Epee Open I from 16 years 1943 - 2007 €70.00
Sabre Open I from 16 years 1943 - 2007 €70.00
Leistungssport Modul C.5.2 Foil Open from 16 years Individual
17 units
Weapon specific
Leistungssport Modul C.5.2 Epee Open from 16 years Individual
17 units
Weapon specific
Leistungssport Modul C.5.2 Sabre Open from 16 years Individual
17 units
Weapon specific
Payment Surcharge Remarks
banc transfer +€0.00 +0.00% IBAN: DE95 3005 0110 1009 1234 54
account holder: Rheinischer Fechter-Bund e.V.
purpose: name and date of event and name of participant
Head instructor / manager Paul Kakoschke-Schwietz, Jannis Selbach
Rules and legal

The fee has to be transferred to the account of "Rheinischer Fechter-Bund". (IBAN: DE95 3005 0110 1009 1234 54; BIC: DUSSDEDDXXX). Please specify the name of the (training) course and the name of the fencers you are paying for in the transformation.

Any registered participants who don’t show up at the seminar will have to pay the entry fee unless they revoked their participation on or before the mentioned date above.

Training concept of the german fencing federation.

Medical first-aid education required not older than two years.


Training clothes (3 weapons) and writing utensils.