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Die goldene Maske von Maintal für Mannschaften

City Maintal-Dörnigheim (HE)
Berliner Str. 64
63477 Maintal
Nation Germany
Date Jun 15, 2019
Timezone of venue Europe/Berlin (GMT 1)
The number of participants is unlimited.

A valid DFB fencing pass is a starting requirement for German fencers. Adolescents under the age of 18 need a health certificate (not older than 365 days). Certificates issued on the day of the tournament will not be accepted.

Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota The order of the incoming entries decides about the participation.
24 Per tournament

Entries ind. Per club 3 - 8 9 +
Teams Per club 1 - 2 3 +
Mandatory referees 1 2
Fine Per day €80.00 €40.00

Referees must be provided based on the total entries per day.

The referees activity is not paid by the organizer.

Federation Hessischer Fechterverband e.V.
Club Turngemeinde 1882 e.V. Dörnigheim
Organizer Dr. Michael Kaib
Contact [email protected]
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Jun 11, 2019, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time only by: Club
Cancel until Jun 13, 2019, 11:59:00 PM Central European Summer Time
E-Mail: [email protected]

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
15.06. 09:30 10:00 Foil Open T U12-U10 2007 - 2009 €25.00

Referee meeting

Day Time Day Time Day Time Discipline
15.06. 09:45       Foil

Payment Surcharge Remarks
SEPA +€0.00 +0.00% IBAN: DE78 5065 0023 0053 1111 00
Inhaber: TG Dörnigheim
CASH ON SIDE +€5.00 +0.00%
Late entry surcharge €10.00 Per late entry
Competition manager Dr. Michael Kaib
Tournament officials Dr. Michael Kaib
Norman Traar
Michael Zanner
Head of referees Christopher Traar

Runden, anschließend Direktausscheidung ohne Hoffnungslauf.

Rules and legal

The FIE regulations and the competition regulations of the Hessischer Fechterverband e.V. apply.


The organizer and host accept no liability for accidents, injuries, or damages of any kind, including damage to personal equipment or property. Participation, presence at the venue, and use of the infrastructure are at one’s own risk. By participating, all individuals acknowledge this disclaimer of liability.


All participants, as well as everyone present at the tournament venue, are subject to the jurisdiction of the Hessian Fencing Federation e.V.

Image / TV rights

By registering, participants or their legal representatives agree to the publication of their name, club, year of birth, and competition. They consent to the free production, distribution, and publication of image, audio, and video recordings during the competitions. This consent is unlimited in time and space and applies to all media (print, TV, internet). It includes both the right to one’s image and general personal rights. Naming the participant is optional but not mandatory.


According to DFB regulations, the equipment must comply with the DFB guidelines for the respective age category.

Awards The winning team receives the challenge cup "Die goldene Maske von Maintal".
The best 4 teams will receive presents.
All participants will receive certificates.
Supplier Will be available.
Accomodation For information only:
Hotel Irmchen, Berliner Straße 4, Tel: 06181 43000,
Michel Hotel Maintal, Westendstraße 77, Tel: 06181 42830,
Hotel Zum Schiffchen, Untergasse 21, Tel: 06181 94060,
Hotel Zur Mainlust, Fischergasse 28, Tel.: 06181 9493-0,
Hotel Waldschlößchen, Hochstädter Landstraße 131, Hanau, Tel: 06181 98670,
Directions Car: Berliner Str. 64, 63477 Maintal
Public transport 1: Railway station Maintal Ost. From there walk 100 m south following "Bahnhofstraße". At the first crossing turn left and walk 10 minutes along “Berliner Straße” until you reach the Maintalhalle.
Public transport 2: Bus stop "Maintal-Halle" for local line MKK23 directly in front of the location.
Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.

Alle Mannschaften fechten in einem gemeinsamen Turnier. Die Mannschaften können sich zusammensetzen aus Mädchen und Jungen aus allen Jahrgängen Schüler und Bambini. Jegliche gemischte Mannschaften nach Jahrgängen, Geschlechtern sowie Startgemeinschaften von Vereinen sind erlaubt.
Bei Startgemeinschaften mehrerer Vereine bitten wir um Meldung per E-Mail.
Maximal 24 Mannschaften nach Posteingang, maximal 3 pro Verein. Bei größerer Meldungszahl werden 24 Mannschaften ausgewählt nach 1. Vorjahresergebnis, 2. Meldungseingang erste Mannschaften 3. Meldungseingang weitere Mannschaften.
Die Mannschaften werden nach dem Vorjahresergebnis gesetzt.
Meldegeld reduziert auf 25€ je Mannschaft bei Vorauszahlung per Überweisung.
Pflichtkampfrichter erhalten einen Verzehrgutschein für die Cafeteria über 5€.